Friday, March 22, 2024

The Most Common Source of Anger... Is Your MIND Protecting You from What It Holds Hidden Within Itself...

 And once again, we have the question of what is the MIND?

At this point, let me simply say that the MIND is what enables us to identify with the Illusion of Creation. And by "us" I mean the Soul of every living thing in the Creation.  Because every living thing has a Soul. And what differentiates one Soul from another is the level of Consciousness a particular Soul has acquired while existing in the Creation.   I wonder if I can visually illustrate this point?

The Creation is an illustration. The yellow represents the Spiritual Realm, which is the only realm that is Real in an absolute sense. This Reality is composed of Pure Spiritual Energy [I refer to as "NSgy"] Neutral Spiritual Energy.  The Illusion of Creation includes the MIND realms [the Causal Realm and the Astral realm], plus the Physical Realm that the MIND convinces the brain is real.  Truth cannot be found in the physical realm because Truth is an absolute, and all absolutes are part of Reality, which is permanent and does not change.

So, unless you happen to be a "Saint" [A Soul that is God-Realized], you most likely believe that the Creation is real and that "heaven" is hidden somewhere in space.  This is what most religions teach.

Back to the MIND.  The MIND is not Real in an absolute sense, although it is more real that one's physical body and brain.  And the role of your MIND is to make you believe that the Creation is real, and that your life is real, and that  you die at the end of your life.  And most people, especially in the West, do believe that when a life-form dies on Earth, it's Soul goes to either Hell, or Heaven.  And this belief is only partly true.  The thing is... your Soul is immortal and it does not die.  When you die, you awaken in your Astral body [a part of your MIND], and you are escorted to a form of judgement where you review your just completed life, and a determination is made as to where your Soul needs to go in order to "learn" from what you experienced in your just completed life?  The whole purpose of life on Earth is to allow you to fully and completely experience all there is to discover about the Creation?

Life on Earth is about experiencing the Creation... beginning as a one-celled organism, and then progressing up the scale of life-forms until you are ultimately born as a human being, which is as high as life gets in the Creation].  And all of this is done under the rule of the Law of Karma.  The short definition of which is this:  "As you sow, so shall you reap".  And the Mystics speak of the "Wheel of Eighty-Four", which refers to the fact that there are 8, 400,000 different life-forms on Earth that we Souls can explore.  And each "human being" has progressed to the highest life-form that can be experienced in the Creation.  And the name for this is Reincarnation, wherein a Soul progresses up the scale of life-forms as that Soul "earns" the ultimate right to be born as a Human Being.

And those Souls who are aware of what I have written here are fairly advanced Souls that are most likely searching for a Perfect Living Master, or Saint, to whom that Soul will be drawn for what is called "Initiation".  Or, that special time in the life of a Soul when the Lord God arranges for that Soul to "find" a Saint who will Initiate that Soul in a special Spiritual Path that leads that Soul back Home to God.  And... about the MIND?

When a person gets angry, what is causing that anger is a person's MIND diverting that person's Attention from his or her MIND [within which some deeply repressed emotional trauma is being stimulated] .  Thus, the anger is a  psychologically "safe" course of action  because it is artificial and generated as a good way to divert that person's Attention from the deeply repressed trauma hidden within that person's MIND, and is projected outward to some person, or event outside that person.   And once this "habit" is created by that person's MIND, it is quickly habituated so that anytime that repressed trauma is stimulated, that same bit of anger will arise.

This process is simply your  MIND protecting you from discovering that deeply repressed trauma, the exposure of which is greatly feared by you... because your MIND believes you are "guilty" of what you, as a tiny baby,  "took-on" as a "misperception"  of who and what your Soul must be!  And this happens to virtually everyone who is born.  Deeply repressed and very frightening misperceptions that we take-on as part of the structure of our Self-view for this lifetime.  It is just the way we are set-up by our own Karma to form a certain personality...that helps us emotionally explore and experience life on Earth.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Monday, March 18, 2024


Awareness is a unique term because it quite often (includes) a reference to both one's physical senses and another element of Man that  usually goes unnoticed by [and is normally invisible to] one's intellectual consciousness.

And what is that other element, you might ask?

The other element is an aspect of one's MIND, and its energy, which is that of emotion.  And that emotional element would be a form of emotional energy such as anger, fear, grief, impending doom, anxiety, impatience and other subtle states of being we "experience"... but only [kind-of], since our MIND does a masterful job in hiding these "states of emotion" from our intellectual consciousness... and for the most part we remain unaware of being in these "states". 

We tend to deny and ignore these brief states of experience because there is nothing in our physical environment to warrant or justify such an emotional state of being.

So, what "causes" these seemingly inappropriate states of emotion in us?  Well, it's one's own MIND reacting to some subtle [and entirely repressed bit of emotional traumata hidden deep within one's own MIND]... that has been triggered by some subtle emotional message one's MIND has just "picked up" from the subtle, and otherwise invisible MIND-level message from  the MIND of someone in our present environment.  And none of this is taking place on a level capable of being perceived by one's brain or one's physical senses.

You see, your MIND operates quite independently from your brain and its thinking.  Indeed, it is your MIND that feeds the "thoughts" your brain "thinks" it has generated...[I refer to this as "D-Think," which is to say... "Delusional Thinking," , and it is delusional because it is directly tied to a "script" that is known in the East as one's "Fate Karma" (which is the "Plan for this life that each of us has and is following).  So, in contrast to what we in the West think... we do not really have "free-will," but rather a plan for our life that we have designed by what we have done in our previous lifetimes.

But back to the term of "Awareness".  When your MIND picks up some subtle emotional message from the MIND of someone in your environment, what is happening is that the "message" is intended to stimulate some emotional response in your MIND [which it does].  But this is all taking place at a level of  Awareness that is not perceived by your brain or your intellectual level of awareness.  It is taking place at a "Mental" [invisible] level of your MIND, which then feeds thoughts to your brain, and your subsequent words or actions  may appear to on-lookers as an inappropriate expression by you to what another has said or done?   And neither you nor the person whose MIND message has stimulated your response are aware as to the "reason" for your reaction?

And the above scenario is taking place everywhere on Earth continually... and very few people are aware of what is taking place.

And now you have a part of the story that is virtually unknown, but it is an important element in how life is going on in an Illusion that most people mistake as the only Reality there is.  The Law of Karma never rests, and it is always spot-on in how it operates... in spite of how we "think" it should be.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Saturday, March 16, 2024



It occurred to me this morning to take a closer look at the term "Consciousness".  What prompted this was this... I noticed in a recent blog that I used the phrase "Conscious Awareness," and it occurred to me that perhaps people reading my blog might not "know" what I mean by the phrase "Conscious Awareness"?

        Note...  I will be 90 years of age in a couple months, and I tend to forget that not everyone has the same life experiences that I have had, and has not therefore been exposed to the same elements or experiences of life that I have had.  Nor have many people spent the last 52 years studying Mysticism and Spirituality relative to we human beings and the little-known differences between Reality and Illusion?  That is, the material phenomena of the Creation that most people believe is the only reality there is... is not all there is.  But the material part of Creation is only one part of the "whole" of ourselves we can experience physically.  And thinking with one's brain ignores the fact that the whole of Man is composed of four different energy realms... three of which are invisible to our physical senses, although all four are operating simultaneously.

And, as I thought more about  this situation...,  it occurred to me that to actually try and explain what I mean by "Conscious Awareness"... I need to explain what I have learned about both the term  Consciousness, and what a person's level of Consciousness means relative to that person's  "Awareness," "Knowledge," and other "Esoteric" [invisible] elements related to Man...that remain quite invisible to us.   The normal "thinking" individual tends to believe he or she  knows about "the Esoteric elements of life" because we have labels for them such as Soul, Self, Consciousness, God, Truth, and so forth.  Unfortunately these labels simply do not provide us the "experience" of what they stand for.

But, ask yourself this question:  Who do you know that has seen his or her Soul?  Even though almost everyone "thinks" he or she knows what the Soul is.  The same goes for the terms Consciousness, Spirit, Soul, God, Heaven, Intuition, and so forth.  In other words, we "think" we know a great deal about these abstract terms, but in actuality  what we "think" is imagination.  The only thing we really KNOW are the abstract terms that point to various parts of a "Whole" that is actually "invisible" to us.

In this illustration circle #1 represents the physical dimension which includes the brain.  This is what we know because we can experience it with our eyes, and think about it using our brains.
The "whole" of Man comprises all four dimensions, and three of these dimensions are invisible to our physical senses.

But, what teacher of yours in school ever pointed this out to you?  We are simply not told that the physical parts of ourselves are what die, and that the MIND [two parts] and one's Soul [one part] do not die, but are reincarnated [born again] over and over again, into what the Mystics tell us is a new body... from 8,400,000 different species or life forms on Earth.  The term for this is "Reincarnation".  And every Soul is subject to Reincarnation, over and over again.  And for most people, they have no memory of having lived previously.

This then is the seemingly invisible elements of Man that I am attempting to discuss in my blogs.  And, I apologize for not being very good at communicating that for which human language seems more like a finger pointing at a blank page.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

WHAT IS PSYCHOLOGY? Or, what should it be?

 Put as clearly as I can state it... Psychology "should be" a study of what causes a person to be who and what he or she is, and whether or not that person can change or alter his or her personality via a special process of Psychotherapy? 

Do you know the difference between thinking that something might be true, and the actual experience of that something from "within" yourself via your faculty of "Intuition"... which provides you the actual "Conscious Knowledge" of that something?  But, what have I just said, precisely?

What I have just alluded to is what the Gestalt Psychotherapy [initiated by Fritz Perls, many years ago] could have become... if it had not been altered by the destructive force of the natural tendency of the Left-Hemisphere (L-H) of the brain of Man [and promoted by many intellectuals, including B.F. Skinner... note quote of Skinner below].  And that brings us to what this blog is primarily about.  That is, the natural nature of the two Hemispheres of the brain and how this  duality  prevents a majority of people from discovering that there is a MIND that rules the Left-Hemisphere of the brain, but this connection between the MIND and the brain is essentially "invisible"... and therefore, a great many people believe that what they "think"... is true... when what they "think" is quite far from the Truth.

By the way, Truth does exist.  But it ONLY exists in a realm of Pure Spiritual Energy.  And I have labeled this realm "Neutral Spiritual Energy," or "NSgy" for short.  And the only thing I have found that makes a [Conscious] connection with this realm of NSgy is one's faculty of "Intuition," which I believe is an aspect of one's Soul.

In a book by Evans, Richard I., Entitled B.F. Skinner: The Man and His Ideas. Published by E.P. Dutton & Co. 1968, Skinner is quoted as saying the following:

"A child is influenced and changed as a biological entity by things that happen to him, but the notion that somehow or other the child of our past is still contained within us is a form of animism which serves no useful purpose in explaining present behavior."

In this quote, Skinner is quite clear as to his belief that there is no MIND in Man that can determine a person's "present behavior". And Skinner was not alone in  thinking this.  It is unfortunately believed by many intellectuals today who, like Skinner, are essentially ruled by their thinking and the Left-Hemisphere of the brain.  They think that if something cannot be proven to exist physically, then it does not exist.  What causes this?  The cause of such thinking is simply a lack of "Conscious Awareness".  That is, they possess a level of Consciousness that is not sufficiently developed to enable them to make use of the faculty of "Intuition" from "Within Themselves".

You see... a great many elements that are widely known in the East are not known in the West.  Reincarnation is one such element.  The fact that one's Soul is immortal is another element.  And there are other elements to Life in the Illusion we face here on Earth that are simply not taught to us in the West.  No wonder the East seems so foreign to us in the West.

 There are about 331.9 million people in America, and yet, we don't teach young people the reason they are on Earth?  Do you know the reason for your being on Earth?  If not, have you at least thought about what the reason might be?  There is a reason for our being here.  And we will get to it in this blog eventually... but at the moment, let us consider the term "mental"... as in mental health.

You do realize that the term "mental" refers to the human MIND, right?  And your MIND is not your brain. Your brain is a most complex muscle located in your skull... while your MIND is composed of two different energy realms, each of which is quite invisible to your brain, or your physical senses.

No wonder so many young people today have so little respect for their parents, or for adults in general.  Imagine getting old, and preparing to die, and you have no idea what awaits you after death? All because no one taught you what the Purpose of Life is... so you might prepare yourself for your own death!

Well, let me share with you what I have learned in the last 50 years.

No doubt the most difficult thing I have learned in my life is this:

            "Truth cannot be described in mortal language."

And I read this statement in a book entitled  "Light on Saint John," written by Maharaj Charan Singh ( The previous Spiritual Master at Dera Baba Jaimal Singh, located in Beas, India), in 1967.

Your Soul is immortal, which means it does not die.  Your physical body dies, but that is not who or what you are.  And when you die, you find yourself in your Astral body [a subtle energy body that resembles your physical body], and you also find yourself in the Astral Region, which is another entire region of existence, existing  simultaneously with [but invisible to] the physical Earth.

And, before a person who has just died leaves the realm just beyond this physical dimension... [a realm existing between the physical and Astral realms] he or she can see people who are part of this physical dimension.  Until the person who has died is escorted further into the Astral Region, where various Heavens and Hells reside [and yes, there is more than one Hell].  And while on this point, the reader might be surprised to learn that the Purpose of Life is for we Souls to explore and experience the Creation.  But "why" is the question?

The answer to the question of why are we here... is not  something one's brain can answer adequately... since one's brain will never experience what the answer requires by way of Knowledge.

The brain is well-versed in words one's brain knows of the tangible and material Earth.  But, the Earth and the entire Creation is... in actuality, a most amazing Illusion.  And who among the possible readers of this blog believes that the life we know is an  Illusion?

 To actually experience the Illusion of this Creation, one must be open to accepting that oneself is part of the Illusion itself.  And operating behind an invisible curtain of this physical Creation are several invisible realms, the last of which is the Pure Spiritual Realm that is Home to one's Soul.

One's Soul is part of that Spiritual Reality, and is thus invisible. And finally, one's Soul is composed of the same Energy as the Creator, which we refer to as God. No wonder then that we human beings [who are part of the Illusion of Creation] are unable to find the Soul, Truth, Reality, or God... since they all operate in dimensions other than that of the physical plane of an Illusion we believe is real.

And we acquire Knowledge by Completing Karma... slowly over many, many lifetimes.   Truth is fourth dimensional Knowledge, or Absolute Knowledge, [which is Truth, and it does not change], but information changes constantly. Truth is synonymous with full Consciousness.

The Bible is  quite correct in what it says, but it is simply a segment of the Whole History of Man.  It just can't convey Truth, or Absolute Knowledge, because there is no written language for Absolute Knowledge, Truth, or Spiritual Reality. We simply cannot perceive Reality by physical means.  So, what do we use to discover the Truth?  We must use "direct perception"... But "direct perception" requires use of one's Soul.  The closest thing we have is the term "intuition," which is an aspect of one's Soul.

Aside from the book "Light on Saint John," another book that speaks to all of this is The Path of the Masters, by Julian Johnson, and it is available in many libraries.

My point being... we Souls  are immortal, and we have as many lifetimes as we desire in which to explore and experience what the Creation has to teach us... which is both good and bad.  And the process that is designed to take care of all of this is called the Law of Karma. And this Law was designed by God, and it applies to every living thing in the Creation.  And now you know more than most people educated in the West.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Thursday, March 24, 2022


The principle reason is... each of us has lived a great many different lifetimes that naturally condition how we impact and respond to this lifetime.  However... unless you are raised in the East, you may not be aware of the concept of Reincarnation?  Or the concept that the Soul is immortal, and that we Souls have as many lifetimes as we require to fulfill the "Purpose of Life"... which is to play let's pretend in the garden of Life until one's Soul becomes completely satiated with what the Creation has to offer!

And it is not at all surprising if the reader is not familiar with what I have just written.  In the West, we are raised to believe that the Soul only has one life to live.

Whereas, in Reality, we have as many lifetimes as we want or need to experience in order to fulfill whatever desires we can imagine exploring.   We have an unlimited time frame in which to explore and experience what the Creation has to offer us.   But  the design of the Creation is such that the Reality of Life is really well hidden.

In addition, there is the Law of Karma, which was designed by God, and whose definition is this:  "As you sow, so shall you reap".  So, everyone of us alive today has been in the Creation since it began... some say 43 million years ago. Are you tired of playing in the Creation yet?  If not, there's a great many things left to explore. And  the cycle of four more Ages  [which will begin at the close of Armageddon],  beginning with the Golden Age, then the Silver Age, then the Copper Age, and finally another Iron Age.

For me, and speaking personally, of course... I am quite ready to leave the Creation.

There is a point, for every Soul, I believe... in which the wonder of life... begins to change, and instead of one focusing on the many wonderful things one has not as yet experienced, one begins to notice poverty, crime, violence, hatred, and other seemingly natural aspects and miseries of life.  That which allows one to "see" [and to feel] the pain and suffering of others is called empathy.  And empathy is the natural result of having experienced pain and suffering oneself.. in who knows how many lifetimes?

So, on that  note, let me close with the popular saying:  Have a nice day!

Peace, 1 Brother James

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

What Was B.F. Skinner's Greatest Contribution to the field of Psychology?

 Quite likely it would be the thousands of Veterans and young people who commit suicide every year, due to the failure of Psychology to help them... because psychology no longer deals with the Whole Human Being.

In the early 1900s, Skinner, as the head of a group of scientists who were confined to the malady of Intellectualism, somehow convinced the field of Psychology to allow Skinner and his group to call their abuse of animals by the label "behavioral psychology".  And from that time to the present, the field of "psychology" has been systematically eliminating and removing from the field of "psychology" everything the ancient Greeks gave the world as Psychology, or the study of the Psyche of Man.

The Greek term "Psyche" is defined as referring to "Self, Soul, and MIND," which are all Esoteric terms.  That is, terms created to stand for elements of Man that are invisible to the brain and physical senses.  That is, elements such as one's MIND [which I refer to as the I-MIND, to emphasize the fact that the MIND of Man is Invisible to the brain]. A key to the term Esoteric is the fact that the entire Spiritual Dimension of Man is invisible to the physical dimension of Man.  The only element of Man that can perceive the Esoteric aspects of Man is one's faculty of "Intuition," which is an aspect of one's Soul.



  1. Intended for or understood by only a small group, especially one with specialized knowledge or interests: synonym: mysterious.
  2. Relating to or being a small group with specialized knowledge or interests.
  3. Not known by or suitable for the public; private.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

The Spiritual Dimension of Man is invisible to Man because the Spiritual Dimension is not part of the Creation...?  Explained shortly as "NSgy".

In opposition to the term Esoteric, we have the phrase "common intellect".  And "common intellect" refers to what the brain thinks it "knows"... simply because the brain has been introduced to a name, date, or a way to identify something. This to the brain is taken for "knowing" something.  I refer to this as "Delusional Thinking" or "D-Think" for short.

 Delusional Thinking  means the brain "thinks" it knows something simply because it has been exposed to the name of something.  Again, the brain does not differentiate between knowing about something, and actually KNOWING [possessing actual experience of something].

I believe Spiritual Energy is actually "Neutral Spiritual Energy," or what I refer to as "NSgy".  And NSgy can ONLY be Known by that which is itself NSgy. Which we refer to as  God, which I believe is the primordial Energy of Existence.  But this takes us in another direction entirely.

How many people think they know what the Soul is... and yet none of them have ever seen a Soul?  How do we explain this?

The answer is that the brain is not bothered by Reality or Truth.  The brain simply accepts what it thinks is true. Look at this quote of Skinner by Richard Evans:

In this quote of Skinner, Skinner mocks those in Psychology at the time by suggesting they are Delusional in their belief that Man has a MIND.   Did he threaten those in Psychology at the time to either produce evidence of the MIND, or yield to his demand? The damage of denying the MIND are the suicides we are witnessing daily in America.

There is perhaps nothing so sure of something as a person whose I-MIND intensely fears the Truth his belief masks.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

When you decide not to read, study, or expose yourself to something... what causes you to do that?

 Or, another way to ask the question is this... who among your friends will end up becoming a mystic in his or her old age?

The reason I ask this question is that when I was in High School, no one who knew me would have guessed that I was destined to become a mystic.  In fact, many would have guessed I would be a number of things, but being a mystic is not one of those things.  I received a "D" grade in English in three of four semesters because I knew nothing about grammar.  I could not even read until I was in the fifth grade.  My idea of a sentence was one long sentence, punctuated by dashes.  I was very Intuitive as a child.

What is a mystic?  Someone who spends a great deal of time studying Spirituality, God, and the Purpose of Life?  And note that I did not include the term religion.  The study of Spirituality has very little to do with religion.  The person who is very interested in religion is someone who took a left turn instead of a right turn somewhere in life. 

Left-turn means a turn in the direction of the brain and thinking about religion.  A right-turn would be toward the unknown dimensions of oneself that cannot be studied by use of the brain.  What would cause a person to seek to study the invisible in life?  An "inner" calling by one's Soul is a good answer... but not an answer that is easily understood.  That is, people are not normally curious about what cannot be studied by use of the brain.  On the other hand, mystics are only interested in those things that the brain cannot perceive.

We in the West are not taught to pursue the unknown in life by teachers who are caught up in Intellectualism [love of the brain and thinking, while adopting the idea that emotion is a waste of time]. The fact is,  teachers teach what they know.    They have been taught to "think" there is nothing the brain cannot discover.  And what about the three-quarters of Man that are invisible to the brain?  What three-quarters?   Just show me what you mean?  For the intellectual, if it isn't physical and capable of being converted into cash, it isn't important.

You see, the I-MIND of Man is invisible to the brain. And all parts of one's Spirituality are invisible to the brain.  So, to those who are limited to use of the brain and thinking 'about' life... the only thing worth thinking about is the physical dimension of existence.  In other words, it is silly spending one's time in search of that which is invisible to Man, and cannot be bought and sold.

The Spiritual and mental dimensions are hidden "Within" Man, and they are always invisible to one's brain and thinking.  That is precisely the reason the Soul and the I-MIND have not been found by Man.  And one's I-MIND will seek to interest one in some religion, if possible, because religion has very little impact upon what happens to oneself at the time of death?  In other words, the study of religion is an intellectual activity that ends when one dies.  And if one's study of religion was helpful in preventing one from engaging in a great deal of negativity, then it was helpful.

But no matter how much thinking a person engages in, such thinking will not a mystic make.  The unknown [and invisible] "Within" Man can Only be Known by a person's faculty of "Intuition"...which has nothing to do with one's brain and thinking.    But then, why am I writing this for people to read, using their brains?  Because not everyone who uses his or her brain is limited to use of the brain only!  Many people would have substantial access to their faculty of Intuition... if they knew they had the ability of accessing their Intuition?

*   The Energy of that which we call "Intuition" is part of one's Soul, and thus Spiritual Energy.  And that which perceives a bit of Intuition is a part of what I refer to as Conscious Awareness, or "C-Awar," which is another part of one's Soul [which is Pure Spiritual Energy, and technically not a  part of the Creation in which we exist]. Again my little sketch: 

Note that #1 is the physical body with the brain. #2,3 and 4 are all invisible to #1.  Although #2 and 3 are quite active and directs the operations of #1.  Intuition is a part of #4, and can experience bits of Truth.

But where are people exposed to data that would awaken them to their faculties of Intuition?  Anyone who awakens to a bit of Truth all of a sudden, does so via his or her faculty of Intuition.  It is referred to as a hunch, a guess, insight, or God speaking to a person.  Very rarely is it referred to as "Intuition".  In the West the reason for this is that most teachers are chosen because of their thinking... or the ability to quote things they have read.  Not because they are Intuitive, or interested in the pursuit of Spirituality.

How much one's I-MIND dictates what one likes, reads, or is interested in depends upon the force of one's Soul in this lifetime?  And thus, how much Intuition one has available to oneself  depends upon what level of Consciousness one's Soul has acquired?  If you are Intuitive then the chances are good that your level of Consciousness is also elevated.  So, make use of your faculty of Intuition as much as you can.  It tends to be the Truth, by the way.

Peace, 1 Brother James