Monday, January 31, 2022

The LAW OF KARMA...What is it, and why is it?

One thing you will not hear most people who believe themselves to be spiritual, or inclined toward Spirituality say... is that God is Invisible to Man.

And the reason they do not say this is... they do not actually realize what Spiritual Energy is?   Although Man is unable to find the Soul, Truth, Reality, or Spirituality, it seems beyond most people to imagine that in the Illusion of Creation, that which is Spiritual, or composed of Spiritual Energy, does not actually exist in the Creation!

Let us picture this phenomenon, or at least try to do so:

The Creation is... first of all, Created.  It exists, but it exists as an Illusion that we "think" is real, because our physical bodies relate to the phenomena of the physical Universe, and specifically the Earth plane.  And of course I am speaking of the physical brain and our physical senses.

The Causal Region is the Higher MIND.  The Astral Region is the Lower MIND. And together, these two form what we refer to as the MIND of Man.  Both are Invisible to the brain and one's physical senses.  Our eyes can "see" the Physical Universe, and we can also see everything that is part of the physical plane.  But, the Soul, and the MIND of Man are both non-physical, thus they are Invisible to the brain of Man.

So, three-quarters of the Whole of Man are Invisible to the physical structure of Man. Therefore, to experience the Invisible, one must use that which is itself Invisible, and the only part of Man that can do this is one's faculty of Intuition, which is a faculty of one's Soul, which is Pure Spiritual Energy, thus Invisible to one's physical senses.

The above is little known in the West.  It is widely known in the East, but the influence of Christianity in the West has all but eliminated study or research into the Invisible dimensions of Man.  Therefore, those who rely entirely on the Bible tend to ignore "Spiritual Truth"... which cannot be perceived by one's brain, or one's thinking.  Spiritual Truth is spoken of in the Bible as either Spirit, or the Word.  And both of these are accepted as "unknown"... although, Man tends to "think" that somehow the Spiritual unknown can be known... if one prays hard enough.

If, by "hard enough" one means slowly withdrawing of one's Attention out of the body and into what Mystics refer to as the "eye center" [a Mystical spot in the center of the forehead which is a "doorway" into one's faculty of Intuition, which is a means by which one can awaken to bits of Truth, stored "Within" one's Conscious Awareness [which is, I believe, what Philosophy refers to as the "Self"].  That is, one can by spending a long time [years] slowly withdrawing one's Attention [an aspect of one's Soul] from focusing outside of oneself, to begin to actually  focus one's Attention "Within" oneself and tap into one's Astral body, where one can begin to pick up bits of Truth, which are also bits of Reality that one's Soul has acquired by Completing bits of Karma.  And this requires some explanation, does it not?

But first... let us play catch-up with the concept of the Law of Karma, as a concept.

The Pure Spiritual Dimension [the square of the earlier sketch] is the Whole of Existence.  This Existence is Pure Spiritual Energy, or what we refer to as God.  And what we think of as Creation is that part of Existence we can see and think about, which is the Physical Universe.  A small speck of which is the Earth.

The entire Creation is based on a duality the ancient mystics referred to as the symbol of Yin and Yang:  The definition of Karma is:  As you sow, so shall you reap.

Let us view the dark area as the Yang part, and the While area as the Yin part.  Yang refers to Male energy in the sense of it being an action, or out-going energy.  And the Yin part would then be the female energy, which is the emotional experience of receiving one's own Yang energy being returned to oneself.

The problem is... one's MIND tends to cause one to "think" that all Karma being returned to oneself are accidents taking place, and we view ourselves as "victims".

So, when Christ advised Man to "turn the other cheek" in the Bible, Christ was speaking of the Law of Karma in action, where the person seeking to strike one on the cheek... is merely returning the blow you gave the person now seeking to return the exact same experience for your own education!  Truly is it stated:  As you sow, so shall you reap.  This is the Law of Karma, and it is an absolute Law devised by God, and it is the principal Law of Creation.  In physics it is expressed in this way:  For every action there is an  opposite and equal reaction.  And this is Newton's third law.

At least it is not applied to the Law of Karma very often.

The Creation is based on a duality of good and evil, so to speak.  As we have just discussed, it involves an absolute law that Newton discovered, and it applies to everything in the Creation.  But for some reason, intellectuals are resistant to making a connection between Newton and the Law of Karma.  Perhaps because the Law of Karma takes the thinking about part and renders it moot?

In other words, most people do not realize that although Mystics tell us that God exists in every person... I have only heard one Mystic say that the Creation is an Illusion that seems real.  I view the Energy of God as "NSgy" or "Neutral Spiritual Energy".   And what do you know that is "Neutral"?

Over a number of years, or several decades, I have searched for something that is Neutral?  The only thing I have found  that is Neutral Spiritual Energy, or the Energy of God, and we Souls,  is Pure Spiritual Energy, or NSgy.

The Law of Karma is the primary Law of Creation, and with it, all of us can rest assured that every Soul will receive precisely the same treatment that Soul has given to others.  And fortunately, we cannot remember our Karma.  That's the reason we are always surprised when we experience events in our lives... which we always "think" are either accidents, or it's the other person's fault.

We Souls began our exploration of the Creation as NSgy, which means we were lacking the experience we possess today.  We had to "learn" good and evil by experiencing good and evil.  And only one's own Soul can determine when it has had enough... of the "good" life?

Peace, 1 Brother James 

The LAW OF KARMA... or What is Wrong With American Education Today ???

 Many years ago, I was teaching Art at Lincoln High School, in San Diego, California. I noted that several students were very talented artists, and they were producing some marvelous pieces of Art  But I also noticed that none of these students were taking what they had produced home.

My curiosity get the  best of me, and I finally asked one of the students, when the opportunity arose that only he could hear my question:  Why do you not take your art work home?  And, because his answer could not be heard by other students, he answered me.  He said that "none of the students could take their art work home with them because it would be taken and destroyed by young people in their neighborhood".  He said that a large number of young people in his neighborhood believed that art was something what "White people did," and those young people hated anyone who did things that white people cared about".

I was shocked to hear this, and I was surprised, but mainly I was too much into my own life [involved in my own patterns of thinking, believing, and ways of relating to life] to be sufficiently conscious of the lives of my students.  What their lives were like, in other words.  What did I do with this information?  Well, I went to the district official responsible for Art Education in the district, and I suggested that I would like to hold a District-wide Art Exhibition at Lincoln High School.  Open  to all High Schools in the District, and that the work would be judged, and prizes would be presented for the best work in various categories.

Being a bright and helpful individual, he agreed that my idea was a good one, and he said the District would help in whatever way  possible.  So, I invited a number of my students to help in this endeavor, and they were very pleased to have an opportunity to participate.  So, we took on the challenge, and we spent the next two months putting together a System-wide Art Exhibition for all High Schools in the City of San Diego, California.

And we opened on a Thursday evening, and we were amazed at the number of people that attended.  We also arranged for District High School Art classes  to be bused to Lincoln High School to view the exhibition.  Art at Lincoln High School would never be the same again.  And I would never be quite as narrow, or closed to the needs of young people as I had been prior to this event.  That event took place in 1966, I believe.  Sadly, my own Fate Karma had a great many different avenues in store for me that I was meant to follow.  My point of this blog is to try and point out the fact that too few people do too little to help education actually expand how much it can do to help young people move beyond the barriers of prejudice, poverty, and harmful and habitual beliefs of human beings stuck in patterns of psychological stagnation.  Their fear is non-conscious, by the way!

There is a great deal wrong with education in America today.  The greatest flaw in education lies in the strangle-hold the "Malady of Intellectualism' has imposed upon education at all levels.  There is nothing worse that an adult who thinks that he knows more than he does... and is too fearful to admit otherwise!  As long as teaching is controlled by Union bosses who care ONLY for the money, education will reflect the illness of greed.  Wonder, the excitement of seeking Truth, and the discovery of the unknown... while abandoning oneself to developing one's faculty of Intuition has nothing in common with greed, or Intellectualism.

I have not forgotten about the Law of Karma... and the importance of Karma will be addressed in my next blog!

Peace, 1 Brother James

Sunday, January 30, 2022

The Tendency of the I-MIND to develop the attributes or qualities of that which we focus upon.

 The I-MIND and its operations are invisible for the most part... or rather, we are unable to differentiate, isolate, or identify what is taking place "Within" the I-MIND that results in our acting out certain patterns of behavior... until we find ourselves acting out such behaviors... even when we do not wish to be doing so!

In other words, in certain instances, we experience ourselves engaging  in behaviors and various actions that we wish we could refrain from doing... although we seem somehow compelled to do what we  experience ourselves doing... even when such things would be damaging to us if they were to be discovered.  In fact, the person who is  caught "shop-lifting" or stealing small objects from a store, even after being punished for doing so... will repeat the same action over and over again.

The question is... how come?

Why do people risk doing such things?  Even after having been caught and punished for engaging in behaviors the person would prefer not doing?  Well, I'm going to explain a primary reason for this behavior,  although most readers may find my explanation hard to believe?

The operations, making decisions, and "reasons" for doing what the I-MIND does are all taking place on a level of existence no part of one's brain can perceive nor interact with.  And the reason for this "invisibility"  is because the brain is physical  and measurable by one's physical senses, whereas the energy of the I-MIND is comprised of a range of  vibrations ONLY discernible by the I-MIND itself, and a part of one's Soul I refer to as "Intuition".  Again, the I-MIND is invisible to Man... with one exception... which is Intuition, as far as I know.

This is how modern mental health views the I-MIND of Man today. Less than 1 % of those licensed in mental health today can tell you what the I-MIND is, where it is located, or how it works.  What kind of psychology is that?

The only part of Man  that can perceive or sense the involvement of the I-MIND in some thought or action  is one's faculty of "Intuition"... if one's faculty of Intuition is active "Within" oneself?  When I use the symbol "Within"... I do so to emphasize the fact that the origin of something is normally invisible to we human beings, and its operation is confined to a dimension of Man that is normally Invisible to the physical realm.

Most subtle motivations by one's I -MIND are only noticed when they are picked up by one's brain as thoughts.  I refer to such 'thoughts' as Delusional Thinking, or "D-Think," and this is the method by which one's I-MIND directs the brain and thinking.  But most people, most of the time, are unable to differentiate their regular thinking from thoughts fed to the Left-Hemisphere of the brain by the I-MIND.

And the only part of Man that can get a sense of the involvement of the I-MIND in one's thoughts is one's faculty of Intuition... which is a faculty of one's Soul that is pretty much limited to people who are "Enlightened".  And "Enlightened" is the term we use to identify people whose level of Consciousness [possession of bits of Knowledge] is more advanced than the normal person.  And  this involves the Law of Karma,  which is yet another layer of invisible operation taking place "Within" Man all the time.   And we will discuss the Law of Karma and its operations in the next blog.  THE LAW OF KARMA, AND HOW IT WORKS...

A portion of the above "SHOULD" be common instruction in graduate education of people in the field of Psychology who are studying for advanced degrees.  But "SHOULD be" is not what is taking place today.  In the early 1900s, the field of psychology allowed itself to be manipulated by an intellectual named B.F.  Skinner, who challenged the field of Psychology to either  "Prove" the existence of the MIND of Man... or allow he and his colleagues to be called 'behavioral psychologists' in recognition of [their watching the behavior of animals react to things they were doing to those animals], which they called "behavioral psychology".

Skinner was quite bright, however, he was quite ignorant of the I-MIND of Man. And his ignorance was [is still] wide spread across the Western world.

Well, no one can physically "prove" the existence of the I-MIND [this can only take place via one's own faculty of intuition... which has to be "awakened" as a consequence of a person undergoing a special form of Gestalt Psychotherapy... and the number of people capable of  facilitating this is rapidly declining!  In early 1900, the field of Psychology allowed behavioral scientist intellectuals to refer to themselves as "behavioral psychologists" and to be part of the field of "intellectual psychology".  They called this "behavioral psychology," which was an oxymoron.  

No part of what the Greeks gave the world as Psychology focused on the behavior of Man.  Psychology came from "Psyche," which is Greek, and is defined as "Self, Soul, and Mind".   All of which are Esoteric [non tangible].  Skinner, and his denial of the I-MIND of Man, was the beginning of the end of the Psychology given to the world by the ancient Greeks, and the Esoteric study of Psychology.

Since the early 1900s, the field of psychology has been aggressively removing all reference to the Esoteric [non-physical] elements of Man] to the point where today, no one in a thousand people in psychology even knows what the MIND is?

As a result of what happened in the early 1900s, mental illness and the practice of suicide have increased dramatically over the last century.  Today, a large number of mentally ill sexual perverts are being licensed each year to practice psychotherapy on people who seriously need the proper help for mental illness.  The movie called the Coo-Coo Nest has become a reality.   Sad, but I'm afraid it is also true.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Saturday, January 29, 2022


In addressing the Invisible MIND of Man, or the "I-MIND"... which is my designation for the Invisible MIND of Man,  we must consider a number of important things.  Perhaps the most important thing to consider is the fact that the MIND is Invisible to the brain, and thus, it cannot be controlled by what one thinks! This also means the I-MIND operates independent of one's brain, and thus, independent of the "control" of one's thinking.  Take a moment to reflect upon this situation!  The I-MIND is almost an independent operation of oneself, and this means that once a habit is established by one's I-MIND, there is nothing one's brain can do to interfere in this habit.  Remember that the brain is on the lowest rung of the four parts of Man.

The brain and thinking is limited to #1, which is the strictly physical part of Man.  So, the brain cannot "order" the I-MIND to do anything.  And this makes the situation regarding a negative habit much more difficult to deal with.  But we are just beginning to consider the problem of the I-MIND and how it has such power at its disposal.  There is hope ahead... hang on.

In his book, The Path of the Masters, Julian Johnson speaks of the MIND, which he emphasizes as making use of the five "passions" of Man in this way: 

Dr. Johnson lists the five passions as Kam, Krodh, Lobh, Moh, and Ahankar: Kam refers to "lust," Krodh refers to to "anger," Lobh refers to "greed,' Moh refers to "attachment," and Ahankar refers to "vanity".  We will discuss these as we move through this exploration of the I-MIND of Man.

Another point Dr. Johnson, along with virtually all Mystics  speak to is that the I-MIND  loves excitement, chaos, and enjoyment...  in other words, the I-MIND enjoys experiencing the physical and tangible aspects of the human body...  And I quote from Dr. Johnson: "Kam pulls men and women down to the common animal level and keeps them there." And I must add... this is irrespective of whether a habit is detrimental to oneself or not?  Once some habit is established that provides the I-MIND what it enjoys, it is then very difficult to change the habit the I-MIND has established.  And remember... the I-MIND is invisible to us, how does one deal with an enemy that is Invisible to oneself?  And too... your I-MIND is not concerned with whether or not one dies, since your I-MIND is attached to your Soul for as long as your Soul remains in the Creation.  This means that your I-MIND just as immortal as your Soul is.  And when your Soul reincarnates, your I-MIND incarnates with your Soul.

What justification does the I-MIND use to engage one is some negative behavior? Let me quote Dr. Johnson once again:  " Kam, or 'lust', is a normal function, but when allowed to run into an abnormal demand, it becomes destructive, degrading. In its broader meaning kam includes all desires.  It may include drug, alcohol, drinks, tobacco, or even tasty foods which are eaten simply for the sake of enjoying their tastes - any sort of appetite which seeks indulgence for the sake of enjoying a pleasant sensation." 

The point here is clear, is it not?  Temptation is virtually found in almost every thing in life.  Is the only "choice" one has dependent upon experience?

For the first blog of this series, perhaps this blog is more negative than positive ?  But my point is that it is much more difficult to avoid being "used" by one's I-MIND than most of us would or could imagine.  In the next blog, I will try and weave the Law of Karma into how the I-MIND operates... as an aspect of how it justifies its actions.

Peace, 1 Brother James 

Friday, January 28, 2022

THINKING...[the brain] it's PROBLEMS, limitations, and it is not your INVISIBLE MIND...

 In your experience with education, how many teachers STRESSED the fact that your brain is NOT YOUR MIND?  For that matter, how many teachers  realized that your brain  is not the MIND? ...

Your brain is a physical muscle located in your physical skull, while your "I-MIND" is composed of two invisible energy bodies... one of which is the Lower MIND, and the other is the Higher MIND.  Note sketch:

#1 is your physical body, which includes your brain.  #2, and #3 are both Invisible to your brain.  And this is true, whether you can find your I-MIND or not. My use of "I" in "I-MIND" is to emphasize the fact that your MIND is Invisible to your brain.


That is, the "I" stands for the fact that your I-MIND is Invisible to your brain.  Why would teachers not tell us that our I-MIND is Invisible to us?  The reason is most likely due to a combination of  ignorance, embarrassment,  and pride [which is a combination of ego and fear of the unknown].  That is, your I-MIND is quite aware of the fact that should you become aware that your I-MIND is fully independent of your brain... that you would want to know what your I-MIND is, and why it controls your brain, and the reason it seeks to control your thinking? 

That "why" is simply part of the over-all plan of Creation, by the way.

The bottom-line reason is that your I-MIND is in charge of all your Karma [there are three types of Karma]...1. Pralabdh, or fate karma, 2.   Sinchit, or reserve karma, and 3. Kriyaman, or 'daily karma'... which is what we are creating from day to day in this life.    And this is from the book:  The Path of the Masters, noted below. What we bring into this life is our Fate Karma for this lifetime.  By the way, your I-MIND is the same I-MIND you have had since first entering the Creation.  Eons ago.

 ___If the reader has an interest in the MIND [or what I refer to as I-MIND], I highly recommend the book:  The Path of the Masters, by Julian Johnson, and this book can be found in many libraries.  This is perhaps the most complete book in English regarding Eastern Mysticism... written expressly for the West by a an American doctor.

So, your I-MIND has a vested interest in you remaining unaware of both your I-MIND and the fact that it subtly 'controls' your thinking by feeding what I refer to as "Delusional Thinking" [or "D-Think"] to the Left-Hemisphere of your brain.  Have you ever asked yourself where your thoughts come from?  Well, they come from your I-MIND which is in charge of your Fate Karma for this lifetime.

"This lifetime"?  Yes, your Soul has as many lifetimes in the physical plane as it needs to fulfill the "Purpose of Life,"  which is determined by God, and is operated by your I-MIND in cooperation with the Law of Karma, designed by God.  This concept, based on the principal of Reincarnation, is a concept  many people have difficulty with, primarily because Western thought is largely based on the teaching of the Bible, written by Man, and heavily contributed to [altered?] by the Popes of the Fifth Century.  Why does it matter if the Bible was written by Man, and not Christ?  Because Christ was Enlightened...  and not all of his disciples were fully  God-Realized.  That is, to "see" the unknown, one's Soul must become Enlightened to the Truth hidden "Within" one's Soul.

However... whatever beliefs a person has are those he or she must deal with today... regardless how near or far from the Truth they may be?  The one thing most of us can hopefully agree on is that Life is strange, and quite difficult for all of us to deal with at various times.

Peace, 1 Brother James



Thursday, January 27, 2022

CAN AN OLD DOG "LEARN" NEW TRICKS ? This old dog did...

 Let us begin this new blog with a new direction as we consider what I believe is a most interesting question?  Can Truth be taught?  

And, the reason I ask this question is that  Mystics tell us that the Truth does not exist on the physical plane.  My question is therefore this... how can all the teachers in all the colleges and universities be "teaching" Truth... [capital "T" Truth]?  If Truth does not exist on the physical plane of existence?  The answer therefore would seem to be that no, instructors, teachers and professors are not teaching Truth, but  are in fact teaching "opinion- based information regarding "relative-truth"... and relative-truth  is continually changing... but somehow it never seems to  morph into Truth?

So, my question remains:  "Can Truth be taught" ?  And, if it cannot be taught, then how does one acquire it?  We will address that question soon.

What we have been told over many ages is that  "The Truth shall set you free".  And my next question is ...  "free" from what ?  Free from life?  Is that desirable, or even possible, other than by death?  My next question would  be what happens when one dies?  If one pursues every "silly" question posed by many children... one is faced with a number of questions for which most adults have no answers.

Is it not reasonable to ask the reason education does not address some of the unanswered questions we have as children?  Why has this not been done?

If my child asked me what happens at the time of death, I can answer my child... how about you? 

If Truth does not exist on the physical plane, where then does it exist?  And the answer is... Truth exists "Within" each human being.  Just like many religions say that God exists "Within" every Soul.  This Invisible existence is referred to in Christianity as "Spirit," and in Hindi it is called "Shabd,' which means "Sound current," which is similar to the term "Word" in the Bible.  All these terms refer to the Spiritual Core existing "Within" every living thing, and this Consciousness is also referred to as "Truth" by many Mystics.

So, can Truth be taught?  No, but it can be awakened to from "Within" oneself by use of one's faculty of Intuition... if, one's Soul has acquired a particular bit of Truth by Completing a particular bit of Karma.  But this will be a discussion for a future blog.

To the question:  Can an old dog learn new tricks... the answer is yes.  Just like little children can receive proper answers to their questions... from parents who possess the answers hidden as bits of Truth from "Within" themselves.  The key is to unlock those bits of Truth... and that is the topic of the next blog.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Saturday, January 22, 2022


You might think this is a trick question?

And it is... in a way.

Let us begin with the end of the Title of this blog, which is the term Soul!

Do you know anyone who knows what the Soul is?  I mean,  seriously!  Who do you know who KNOWS what the Soul is?

Could this lack of knowledge be due to the fact that no one has experienced his or her own Soul?

Fact #1:  Your Soul is an aspect of the Primordial Energy of Existence, which we refer to as God.  Mystics tell us that every living thing has a Soul.  And that it is the Soul of a living entity that provides that entity life.

But, does the phrase "a living entity that provides that entity life" tell us very much about the Soul?   In the previous blog, I suggested that the Soul is an Invisible part of oneself.  Does the term Invisible mean non-existing, or does it mean existing at a level or vibration that our physical senses cannot perceive?  If Invisible means existing, but at a level our physical senses cannot perceive, what else about oneself is existing at a level or vibration that one cannot perceive using one's physical senses?  How about one's MIND, or Truth, or one's "Self"?

Final question:   If one's Soul is Invisible to oneself, and one's Soul has a Home... However one has no idea what one's Soul is... what is it one is lookout for by way of where one's Soul came from?  Or is this question more involved that what the brain can figure out?   It just seems like we keep running into the same problems over and over again.  Which comes first, discovering one's own Soul, or finding the Home of the Soul?  Or is the answer to either question the same answer?

Almost seems like one must begin with a belief in God, before we begin a search for the Home of the Soul?  Both seem to be Invisible to one's brain.

Is this where Intuition comes into play?

Peace, 1 Brother James 

For Those Who "ponder" the Purpose of Life... If life has a purpose?

 Let us begin with this question?   Is the Soul of Man immortal... and if it is, is the reason we can't find the Soul the fact that it is other than physical?    And if it is both immortal, and not physical... then what is it, and how does one go about finding that which is not physical?   Or do we simply ignore the Soul?  ...and at what cost?

If life has a purpose, could the reason we don't know what that purpose is possibly be the fact that one's brain is a physical muscle located in one's skull?  And one's Soul is composed of Pure Spiritual Energy, which is entirely Invisible to one's brain and one's physical senses... and we have no idea where the Soul is located? 

Second question... more or less.   How much of oneself is Invisible to one's brain?  Would it surprise you to learn that three-quarters of oneself are energy realms or dimensions which are invisible to one's brain and physical senses?  See sketch:

Note please that the whole of oneself comprises four entirely separate realms or dimensions, each with its own range of vibrations.  The only one we can see and think about is the physical dimension, which includes one's brain, with which we think.  It's  circle #1.

This means that regardless how much intelligence you have, your brain is always incapable of perceiving #2, #3, or #4.  So, how does one investigate these three parts of oneself that are Invisible to #1?  You obviously must use something capable of perceiving the otherwise Invisible energy of #2, #3, or #4.  What could that be?

I suggest that what is capable of perceiving #2, #3, and #4 is a faculty of one's Soul called "Intuition".  And Intuition is associated with one's level of Consciousness, which is a special kind of Knowledge, which is another name for Consciousness. And still another name for Intuition would be "Attention," which is a special part of one's Soul... which incorporates one's MIND [which is responsible for the overall administration of the Law of Karma relative to every Soul [regardless what life form a Soul happens to possess in this lifetime]?

 I also suggest that the Purpose of Life is for each Soul to slowly work its way up the Ladder of Life (evolutionary growth) by acquiring Consciousness [Knowledge] by Completing Karma.  And think of "Intuition" as becoming active when a Soul has acquired a sufficient amount of Consciousness (Knowledge or Experience) so that the Soul acquires "discretion and understanding" by way of experience.

So,when you come across a person who seems to be more Enlightened than the average person... the reason is that person's Soul has acquired more Consciousness than other people one meets.  But most people who are Enlightened do not realize they are "different" that other people. At least not during the first few lifetimes of being Enlightened, because becoming Enlightened requires a great many lifetimes in which one has struggled to engage in more positive Karma than negative Karma.

A great book about this topic is "The Path of the Masters," by Julian Johnson, and this is available in many libraries.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Thursday, January 20, 2022

RELIGION VS SPIRITUALIY...What's the difference?

 The difference between Spirituality and religion is the same exact difference as between Reality and Illusion.  That is, Spirituality deals with Reality, while religion deals with the Illusion.  But, you may ask... how does one know what is Real, as opposed to that which is part of an illusion?   Well, that which is Real is permanent, and it does not change... ever.

We have relative truth, and we have Absolute Truth.  What's the difference?

Relative truth changes, and Absolute Truth is an absolute and never changes... and we don't have to worry about Truth... since Mystics tell us that Truth does not exist on the physical plane of existence.  If Truth does not exist on the physical plane, how then does anyone "Know" if Truth actually exists?  How does one know if what one believes to be true is true or not?  Again, if what you believe to be  True does not apply to every situation to which you apply it... then it is  either not the Truth, or... your understanding of Reality is lacking in some respects?

A simple test for Truth is this:  If what you think is Truth is not always applicable to  every situation,  then what you think is true is either not the Truth, or your lacking in your understanding of Reality?  Because the essential definition of Truth is that is is an absolute and it is always True in every situation.

Finally, at least to put an end to the question of Reality or Truth...  If what you believe to be the Truth is always True, then it is the Truth. On the other hand, if what you believe to be Truth does not "fit" certain things, then what you have is relative truth, which is part of the Illusion of life.

The person who believes in God is not necessarily a person who KNOWS that God is Real, and  may simply be someone who believes in God ... since we cannot prove that God does not exist.   Such a belief is an "intellectual" belief.  It is the really rare person who believes in God because God is Real, and that person has access to Truth from "Within" him or herself which convinces him or her of his or her Truth. 

I use the "Within" label to indicate that the only source for something that is TRUE can only be found  "Within" a person... via his or her faculty of "Intuition".   In other words, Truth Only exists "Within" a person... and  is Invisible to one's brain and physical senses.  And one's faculty of Intuition is a part of one's Soul, or what the term Consciousness refers to. Check out the sketch...

 The brain is directed by the MIND, and is unaware of the Spiritual dimension of oneself, and is confined to the physical dimension.  Intuition is unique in that it can perceive all dimensions of Man, and it is an aspect of one's Soul.  Attention is an aspect of one's Soul, and out of habit... tends to operation from one's brain.

The difference between religion and Spirituality?  Religion is of the brain, orchestrated by the MIND, and is purely intellectual [the brain].  On the other hand, Spirituality is an aspect of one's Consciousness, operating as an aspect of one's Soul, based on the level of one's Consciousness, and is KNOWN by one's faculty of Intuition.  Intuition might be thought of as one's level of Enlightenment.  As one's Soul acquires Consciousness [by Completing bits of Karma], this is converted into Knowledge, and this Knowledge is available to one via one's 'Conscious Awareness' or what Philosophy refers to as the "Self".  And one's level of Knowledge is known as Enlightenment... which enables one's faculty of Intuition.

So, does Truth actually exist on this physical plane? Well, it more resides "Within" a person whose level of Enlightenment is sufficient to provide that person with an active faculty of Intuition.  Enlightenment is a great deal more important than what we in the West imagine it to be.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

WHAT IS PREJUDICE, RACISM AND HATE... and where do these conditions COME FROM?

 These grossly negative emotions are elements that make a person's life a most painful and discouraging trip throughout one's lifetime... although what causes these ugly conditions are hidden "Within" one's MIND as deeply repressed emotional traumata [plural of trauma].   But where do these elements come from is the question of this blog... if, as I say, they are repressed deep "Within" one's MIND [which is quite invisible to oneself]?

And since what causes these 'conditions' are repressed emotions hidden "Within" one's MIND [or what I refer to as one's "I-MIND"(... and the Capital "I" stands for Invisible). That is, your I-MIND  consists of two subtle bodies of energy, one is referred to as the "Astral" realm - Lower MIND,  and the other is called the "Causal" realm - Higher MIND,  and neither of these subtle energy realms is physical.  Note the sketch:

#2 and #3 are both invisible to the brain and one's physical senses, represented by #1.



 But let me begin this blog by sharing a strange thing I remembered this morning during my meditation.  In High School, my two best friends were both named Sam.  One was a Jew, Sam S., whose Father was a psychologist [divorced from Sam's mother, a lovely lady named Sally], and the other Sam, Sam T., was a combination of half American Indian [ his mother], and half German, [his father] who was in Construction.  And each Sam was as different from the other as you can imagine.  And each Sam was a friend for different reasons.  Sam S. was a friend because he didn't have many friends, and Sam T. was a friend because he took pity on how naive I was regarding football.  Sam T. was a tackle on the football team, which I joined a week late, in my bathing suit... while all the other players all had their uniforms.  Sam T. stepped forward and volunteered to work with me on the  "warm up exercise scheduled for that day":   A player would run at another player and be tackled. Sam T. saved my butt by going through the motion... 

And Sam S. was a photographer, and didn't have many friends, so he kind of befriended me as a way of relating to the people I knew.  But back to the negative emotions of Prejudice, Racism and Hate.  What is an emotion and where does it come from?

An emotion is a repressed bit of trauma, hidden

"Within" one's MIND [which means invisible to] one's brain or conscious memory.  When stimulated, the energy of that repressed emotion is "vented" by the MIND in some habitual  physical behavior that is designed to not reveal the repressed trauma. And the behavior tends to become "habituated".  And the trauma [ or actual source of the behavior] remains unknown to a person... until it is time to be discovered via Gestalt Psychotherapy or by natural means.

The "trauma" (singular), or traumata (plural), is virtually always a [misperception], which is my label for a mistaken belief by one's I-MIND taken-on in early childhood.  And it is almost always negative in nature.  A gifted Gestalt therapist can help a person discover a bit of trauma when that trauma is "ready" to be revealed.  This means when the negative Karma associated with that bit of trauma is completed. [As you sow, so shall you reap].

Alas, there is a diminishing number of Gestalt therapists today who are capable of facilitating this process due to the denial of the MIND by modern psychology since the early 1900s.  Soon, it is likely that the practice of actual Psychology will soon be entirely lost.  Yet another reason for Armageddon...  and the start of a new series of Ages, beginning with a new Golden Age.

My point is this... those people who are prejudiced, racist, or hateful are like this because the I-MIND "Within" them holds some traumatic memories picked-up in early childhood.  The I-MIND "Within" them must run its course, so to speak, before the Souls "Within" them are "ready" to rise above the I-MIND with its repressed misperceptions ... to embrace a level of Forgiveness of themselves based on a higher level of Consciousness [Spirituality]. 

I have mentioned in previous blogs that the Soul is immortal, and thus, when we die, we find ourselves in our Astral body, and we are taken to the Astral realm, where we spend some time before being "incarnated" into the physical plane once again.  In the Bible, this process is referred to as "a new Heaven and a new Earth".

I hope this blog will help clarify what "causes" these painful actions by people who are suffering from deeply repressed Misperceptions taken-on by the I-MIND "Within" them in early childhood.  The entire thing is simply part of the Law of Karma, or that which is helping we human beings slowly rise up the latter of maturation as Souls... as we experience what we have done to others in the past, and will hopefully "learn" to avoid doing in the future?

Peace, 1 Brother James   ...seeking God's Forgiveness, and Love.

Monday, January 17, 2022


.... is really important.

About a decade ago, while I was attempting to develop a  structure for a Psychology that dealt with the "Whole Human Being," or WHB... I was aimlessly doodling on a piece of paper when I suddenly wrote down three terms:  "Neutral, Spiritual, and Energy".  At that time, I had no idea what these terms meant?

But following a habit I have to symbolize or shorten things, I did this with these three terms... using the first letter of two of the terms, and the last two letters of the third term.  Neutral, Spiritual, and Energy... thus making the symbol "NSgy".  So, I created the symbol "NSgy," which stood for the three terms... which stood for?  I had no idea at the time?

A few months went by, during which I discovered what my new symbol meant, as it provided me with a solution to my problem with my new concept of Psychology. My "problem" was this:  How does a person maintain his or her "Attention" in the brain while simultaneously exploring the MIND, which is invisible to the brain? And the reason a person would want to do this?  It is the only way to reveal deeply repressed bits of trauma hidden deep "Within" one's MIND... that once discovered, a person can then eliminate that bit of trauma from "causing" an unwanted pattern of behavior... [ the behavior is actually the means by which that person's MIND "vents"  the negative energy being stimulated "within" that repressed bit of trauma].

  This "discovery process of a repressed bit of trauma" is a necessary part of effective Psychotherapy that helps a person eliminate unwanted negative behavior.  This is well-known by a competent Gestalt Psychotherapist, by the way.

 My symbol "NSgy" therefore stands for the primordial Energy of Existence, which we in the West call "God".  That is, "NSgy" is the Energy of God, and we Souls.  And "NSgy" is like nothing I knew about at the time.  That is, the concept that something could exist and yet be entirely Invisible to Man [and not even part of the Creation]... did not register with me as an actual possibility.   But I was not alone in my ignorance of NSgy!   Who would imagine that the entire Creation was Created by God using what the Bible refers to in Genesis 1:2 ... And the earth was without form, and void: and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.   In other words...God Created the Creation using that which Man refers to as "void," or "darkness," (which would seem to most people as "nothing"). This nothing is often spoken of as "Spirit".  It is Invisible, but it does exist.

So, when a Mystic says that the Spirit of God is "Within" Man, the Mystic is not being euphemistic, the Mystic is referring to something that Man  defines as "void" and "darkness".  Something that many religions refer to as "Spirit"... while not bothering to explain nor define the term "Spirit". 

Now you have a symbol for the term Spirit.  The symbol is NSgy, or Neutral Spiritual Energy, which is the Energy of God, and one's Soul.  And in Man, the one element in Man that can interact with NSgy is one's faculty of "Intuition," which is an aspect of one's Soul.  And should you have a 'sense' that God is speaking to you, what is likely "hearing" God is your faculty of Intuition.  But in the West, there is very little mention of the faculty of Intuition.  We are taught instead to rely on the brain, which is confined to the physical realm entirely.

I have been meditating for over 40 years, and little did I realize that my meditation is the single best way of developing one's faculty of Intuition!  I didn't realize this until recently, and I now have an added incentive to meditate.  ...another term for meditation is "worship"... perhaps you did not realize this?

Peace, 1 Brother James

Sunday, January 16, 2022


 How many people in the West know what the Purpose of Life is?  Or that Life has a Purpose?  Or, that the Creation is a really exquisite kind of "finishing school" for Souls?  However ... precious few Souls realize what the Purpose of Life is, or that they are in school, and the principal of this school is a kind of Perfect Robot called the "Law of Karma"?  And of course this sounds like nonsense, right?

Nonetheless, what I am suggesting is what we are all experiencing.   And your MIND, which I refer to as an "I-MIND"... [and the "I" stands for Invisible] in the sense that your brain is incapable of discerning your I-MIND.   Oddly enough, despite how often the MIND is spoken of by people, your I-MIND isn't part of your physical body. And since it isn't part of your physical body, it easily eludes discovery by our physical senses.  Your I-MIND consists of two subtle energy forms, neither of which is physical. The next sketch illustrates the four elements which comprise the Whole Human Being, or WHB:

#1 is what we can see and think about.  #2 and #3 are the two elements of your MIND, and #4 is the Spiritual part of Man, which we call Soul.  #2, #3, and #4 are all Invisible to the physical part of oneself... which is the reason so few people have ever discovered #2,#3, and #4.  Oddly, those people who have discovered #2,#3, and #4 never seem to Reincarnate.  That is, they are not born again on the physical plane?  Where do they go?

So, #1 is quite a bit for us to deal with, and we are to be forgiven for not "knowing" the Whole of ourselves.  And the Mystics tell us that God indeed does forgive us, not because we don't know any better [which is true], but because God is Love, and the Reality of Love is that it  is an absolute... consisting of two important elements:  Acceptance and Forgiveness.  The attainment of these two elements, by the way... is what we Souls are in the Creation to "learn" [among other things, of course]. is great to believe that if one is "good," one will go to Heaven, and live in Heaven forever.  But wait a moment.. Heaven is not where God resides.  Heaven is merely in the Astral Region of Creation, and God resides in the Pure Spiritual Region, which is not part of the Creation.  Check out this sketch:

And please note that #4 is the same as the Primordial Energy of  Existence, which means it is not part of the Creation, which exists as a small part of Existence. Again the only part the brain can perceive is the physical part. This means #2, #3, and #4 are all invisible to #1.  And what we refer to as Heaven is in #2, and it is not a permanent residence.  Reincarnation is a term that means being born again.  Which we all do, except when a person "graduates" from the school none of us realize we are attending...  The Soul is immortal, and only our physical body dies.   And there is more to tell.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

There appears to be two types of people in the world...

 TWO TYPES ?  1.  Those who desire to be wealthy so that they can "control people" by use of their wealth as a means to do so.   And the second type are  those people  who love God and thank God for whatever "gifts" he has bestowed upon them... the use of which enables them to help others.

In the "East" [as opposed to the "West"], there are a great many people who are raised to believe in God, and to believe that it is God who is in charge of everything Man can do and know.   In the West, people who live in the East are often thought of as uneducated,  backward, and not as "advanced" as people in the West.  And part of what causes people in the West to believe this is a term called "Ego".  The common characteristics of  Ego are pride, ignorance, and vanity (and vanity is a natural  result of a person whose only belief in God is "intellectual"),  that is, someone who "thinks" that there is a God because others have told this person that  God does exist, and that God has a Son, called Jesus.  So the intellectual in the West,  who is religious, "thinks" that the religion of Christianity is true... because so many people believe it is true.

What "proof" do they give for this belief?  Well, the shear fact that so many people believe in the religion of Christianity is certainly sufficient to demonstrate the validity of the religion, and thus they are convinced.  The problem of "proof"  still remains for those who are 'hard core' realists, however.  And they tend to be "fence sitters," or people who are no "sure" one way or the other? 

The great benefit of an intellectual belief in God is that a "belief" held "Within" one's brain is "relative".  That is, it can be strongly held, as long as it does not interfere in one's enjoyment of life?  If one's belief interferes with what one desires to do, then one's I-MIND can feed Delusional Thinking to the Left-Hemisphere of one's brain which causes one's brain  to "Think" that what one desires to do is an exception to what one intellectually believes to be true.  Rationalization and justification is a common way of life in the West, and it is based on the "malady of Intellectualism," which refers to the natural overriding of one's brain by one's I-MIND.

 So, the more intellectual a person is [quite commonly], the more that person is like a weather-vane.  That is, capable of shifting his or her beliefs depending upon which way the wind blows?  And being able to shift one's beliefs to accommodate what is beneficial to oneself is thought of as a good thing in the West.  This is, of course a subtle form of lying [at least to oneself]  but then... when no one actually Knows what the Truth is, who is going to call one on one's lies?

so, which type person are you?  One who refuses to alter one's Truths, because to do so is dishonest.  Or are you someone who chooses the truth that is popular at the moment?  It is quite difficult to live an honest life, unless one is "bright" enough to deftly sidestep direct answers that support dishonest statements.  But to do this one must Know the Truth... which is the basic problem, isn't it?

Peace, 1 Brother James


Saturday, January 1, 2022

The Tragedy of... "Hope Springs Eternal"

 The idea of "Hope Springs Eternal" has a positive ring to it... however, it is unfortunately based on a flawed premise.  One can certainly "hope" for a better future, and many do so.'s hope has precious little to do with what one hopes for!   The future of everyone is entirely based on what each one DOES... not on what one "hopes" for.   All of mankind is subject to the "duality" of life, which is captured quite nicely in the definition of the Law  of Karma:

"As you sow, so shall you reap"!   Which is the definition of the Law of Karma, which is the primary Law Of Creation, which was designed by God, and this Law is simply explained like this:  Whatever you say or do will come back to you at some point,  in some lifetime, and you will be on the receiving end of an exact reproduction of the exact same thing that you did to another person.   And the Law of Karma is an absolute Law that applies to every living thing in the Creation.  And there are no exceptions to this universal law.

So, if you include everything you do as part of what you hope the future will hold for yourself... you are spot on in what you wish for!  Somehow I doubt that this is what we human beings are wishing to happen when we express a hope that the future will be better than one's past!

We can "hope" for a better life, but the wise person will expect the future to be pretty much like one's past... since much of what we do in life is not kind, loving, caring, nor compassionate.  And the one thing we can count on for sure is that what we have done to others will certainly be done to us!  As you sow, so shall you reap.  And there are no exceptions to this, and this law can only  be "paid for" [or Completed]... by "Acceptance" of full responsibility for what happens to oneself in life, and "Forgiveness" of everyone involved in what happens to oneself in this lifetime.

The problem is... to "Complete" a bit of Karma is one of the most difficult things in life for us to do.  And the reason for this difficulty is that to "Complete" a bit of Karma one must [take responsibility for what is taking place, and one must Forgive the person or people involved is what seems to be either an accident, or clearly someone else's fault].  The Law of Karma is a most insidiously subtle operation that causes us to believe that we are always a victim.

But, until you take full responsibility for a bit of Karma, and Forgive entirely all people involved in that bit of Karma, the natural thing to do is to blame others for what is taking place.  And what this does is to send that bit of Karma around again, and in some future lifetime it will come back to oneself.  And guess what happens the next time?  So, Mystics tell us that in each lifetime we live, we create much more Karma than we can possibly "Complete" in that lifetime!

 The result is... we acquire more and more Karma.

Peace, 1 Brother James